Brown Bag Bible Study

February 5, 2025 @ 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm

Join us for Bible Study on Zoom – Wed. at noon!

Exciting New Opportunity for Adult Bible Study! Beginning on Sept. 9 at 12 noon, we will join the Holy Trinity “Lunch & Learn” group to have a class together, in person at the Rockaway church or via Zoom, moderated by Pastor Jack.

The first  class session is slated for Wednesday, September 9 at noon….with a slight modification in agenda. Instruction will begin at noon (rather than 12:15pm).  The projected end time for each session is 12:45 p.m.

Normally, the sessions will be conducted on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.  However, the September session will begin AFTER Labor Day.  So…in September, we will actually meet on the second and third Wednesday of the month (9/9 & 9/16).  For all successive months, we will observe the first and third week schedule for classes. 

For our initial session, we will focus primarily on reviewing the setting, genre, and intended audience of the Gospel of John (This should be a review for most; however, this also helps the Sparta faithful to obtain necessary background information/insights into our study of the Gospel of John.)

Hope to see you all either in person or through the internet!
Click here to join us via Zoom.

Please email the church office if you have any questions.