A Place for You – May 7, 2023

Where is your favorite place?  A tropical beach? A mountain retreat?  A golf course?  In this Sunday’s Gospel reading, Jesus shares that he will reveal his favorite place…and it’s for you to enjoy!  It’s the kingdom of heaven…and you have an invitation! Join Pastor Jack this week as he explores this concept in his message “A Place for You”.  Don’t miss this comforting and inspiring sermon.

CHANGES IN WORSHIP beginning 3/12:

  • In order to introduce the hymns, the cantor will sing the first verse of each song as a solo, and then the congregation will sing that same verse and any others as designated in the bulletin.
  • Wine is now included in the communion trays, along with grape juice and gluten-free wafers. It will be white wine.

The Easter season is a time to give thanks for the gift of baptism. All ELCA congregations are encouraged to have a “Thanksgiving for Baptism” portion in worship services each week until May 21. Give thanks for the refreshing waters of baptism, which point to the promise of eternal life!

COFFEE HOUR HOSTS – are needed. Please see the sign-up sheet on the narthex table. Thanks to the DiColas for leading this fellowship activity.


FOOD DRIVE (4/2 -30) – Many thanks to all who donated!

SPRING VENDOR FAIR – Sat., May 6 from 10 AM – 3 PM. Please see Barbara Osborne to volunteer or email SOThvendorday@gmail.com

ORIENTATION CLASSES – Pastor Jack will offer a series of informal orientation classes for those considering membership at SOTH, or for those who desire a “refresher course”.  Topics will include: ministries and activities at SOTH, what Lutherans believe, our “call” as Christians, and more!  For more information see Pastor Jack or email him at jackspartan79@gmail.com. All classes at 7:00 PM in our Fellowship Hall: (all are invited)

May 1 – Welcome to SOTH

May 8 – Lutheran History and Doctrine

May 15 – Specific Teams at SOTH; How to give of time, talents, and treasures.

June 4 – Official Reception of New Members will take place during worship at 9 AM.

CHURCH WORK DAY Sat., May 13 from 8:30 a.m. Please bring your garden tools and your energy! Many hands make light work.

WINE TASTINGSat., May 20, between 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the fellowship hall. Tickets are $20 for adults 21 years of age or older. Please sign up on the event bulletin board. Please contact Solveig Schunk for further information at 201-919-2015.

WEBMASTER URGENTLY NEEDED -If you would like to maintain the church’s website, please contact the office. The time commitment wouldn’t be only an hour or so every week. Thanks!

GOT BOOKS? – Please keep an eye out for a book donation/recycling bin coming soon to our parking lot from New Legacy Books. This is a “green” fundraising activity. New Legacy will accept books in good, readable condition with an ISBN barcode label on the book cover. Hardcover, paperback, and textbooks are all welcome! For further information, please check their website http://www.newlegacybooks.com. See their brochure on the events bulletin board or ask Wendy in the office.

are all needed. Training
joyfully provided. If someone calls to recruit you, please prayerfully
consider how YOU can serve. You can always volunteer by contacting
the office.

With these gifts, we continue to welcome folks to our community, to equip them with faith tools – learning the word, prayers for one another, and communal support – and then to send us into the world to welcome others.
Your donations to SOTH can be accomplished in the following ways:

  • On Sunday, place your donation in the offering plate.
  • Mail your offering to: SOTH 246 Woodport Rd., Sparta, NJ 07871
  • Go online to setup your e-giving from your checking, savings, credit card or debit card http://secure.myvanco.com/L-YXCY
  • Download Vanco Mobile (Faith) on your smartphone, search for Shepherd of the Hills (Sparta)
  • Text Giving to 973-832-0226 You can make a one-time gift or setup recurring offerings.

Many thanks to all of the donors who support our mission!

 STREAMING IS HERE!: We are excited to announce that you can now view our service live at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday. Click on this link to see the service and subscribe to our SOTH channel:   https://www.youtube.com/@shepherdofthehillslutheran8820/streams  Don’t worry if you missed the live broadcast.  All services are archived on our channel.  You can also search for us on Facebook and like our page. https://www.facebook.com/SOTHNJ/.  

WORSHIP INFO For May 07, 2023

Worship Service Bulletin

New Link for Zoom Bible Study, Wed. at noon

Meeting ID: 829 4727 4304

Passcode: 002314

President: JD Allen
Vice President: Emery Malasits
Treasurer: Brett Maynard
Recording Secretary: Celeste Bethmann
Financial Secretary: Steve Lewandowski
Property: Patrick Wood
Nurture (Worship & Music): Pat Kovacs
Social Ministry: Diane Fitzpatrick

CLOTHING DONATION BIN –  Place clothing and shoes in plastic bags.  Proceeds will benefit SOTH.  Please do not leave items outside of the box. Please tell your friends and family so that we can fill those bins!

Continues in person at Holy Trinity Church or via Zoom, the first and third Wednesdays from noon-12:45. Join Pastor Jack for a lively discussion of the Bible. No prior experience necessary! Click here to join us via Zoom. 

Copyright © 2021 Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, All rights reserved.