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Undeserved Blessings 02-09-25

Undeserved Blessings  Have you ever felt undeserving of God’s abundant love?  Unworthy of tremendous blessings?  One day, a long time ago, a fisherman named Peter received abundant blessings from Jesus… and he felt unworthy.  Likewise, we receive grace upon grace.. more blessings than we can ever count.. that is reflective of …

Groundhog Day – Jesus Day 02-02-25

Groundhog Day – Jesus Day There is a tremendous irony about to transpire on February 2:  On the same day, folks in Pennsylvania will be looking for a shadow (a groundhog’s shadow) while we are searching for the light (The light of Christ).  Our religious festival, on February 2, is “The Presentation …

Guilty…Yet Exonerated – 1-26-25

Guilty…Yet Exonerated The Scriptures are very clear about sin… we’re ALL guilty of our sins and transgressions against God.  Yet, we receive mercy and forgiveness when we repent!  How’s THAT for grace?  This Sunday Pastor Jack will tell the ancient story of Ezra and Nehemiah…and relate it all to the cross of …

What REALLY Happened at That Wedding? – 1-19-25

What REALLY Happened at That Wedding? Most of us are familiar with the story surrounding Jesus’ first miracle:  He was at a wedding reception and turned water into the finest wine!  Why?  To be the life of the party?  Well.. it’s deeper than all that, so why not join Pastor Jack this …

Getting Charged Up – 1-12-25

Getting Charged Up  Have you ever stopped to think of how many “things” need to be recharged on a regular basis?  How about your cell phone?  Your car?  Your tablet devices?  Well… how about your spirit?  Sometimes life can be stressful and you feel like your “spiritual batteries” are running on …

Hope for a New Year – 1-05-25

Hope for a New Year Well… here we are… starting a brand new year… and, as in previous Januarys we have our annual choice to make.  We can choose to look back with possible regrets, remorse, and reminders of things which may not have worked in 2024… or… we can look …

First Sunday of Christmas – 12-29-24

First Sunday of Christmas Important Note: We have an ice condition on the Hunters Lane Entrance. Please use one of the other entrances for Sunday Services. We are working on fixing the problem, the cold temperatures are making it difficult. Please stay off the stairs and ramp until they are cleared. …

When God Calls YOUR name – 12-22-24

When God Calls YOUR nameThere’s a fairly new term circulating throughout volunteer organizations:  “You are voluntold!”… That’s when volunteers really don’t come forward and then the leader selects the “chosen” one.  In a sense, the men and women whose stories are captured in the Bible were “voluntold”… by God…to serve God’s …

The Grand Inspection 12-15-24

The Grand InspectionWe all know that Jesus is planning to return to the earth “to judge the living and the dead.”  In fact, we proclaim this truth every Sunday when we articulate the words of the Apostles Creed.  But the question is:  What is the Code of Conduct between “now” …

Well … Are You Ready for Christmas? 12-08-24

Well … Are You Ready for Christmas?Do you get annoyed when people ask you (in early December) “Are you ready for Christmas?”… Most look at you and sarcastically answer, “Are you kidding?”…  It’s THAT time again – frantic holiday preparations have begun!  Yet … being “ready” for the holiday has …