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weekly voice

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost – 7-28-24

FEASIBILITY STUDY: On May 5, our congregation voted YES to move forward with a Feasibility Study with Kirby Smith (vendor) to determine if we are ready to embark on a 3-year capital campaign to help reduce the cost of our mortgage and free up dollars for mission and ministry. If …

How About a Break? – 7-21-24

How About a Break?Are you planning any time away this summer?  Will it be relaxing? Will it be spiritually renewing?  This Sunday, in his weekly message, Pastor Jack offers timely advice for those about to embark on summer vacations:  “Take Jesus with you!”  PJ will offer creative suggestions for strengthening your …

Speaking the Truth in Love – 7-14-24

Speaking the Truth in LoveVery few people enjoy conflict … and even fewer people look forward to confrontation. However, were there times in your life when you just could not sit back and remain silent? Were there times when you felt compelled to “call out” inappropriate behavior among those around you? This week Pastor …

Faith Changes Everything – 7-7-24

Faith Changes EverythingOn this Independence Day weekend what can we learn from the Founding Fathers as we look back on history?  And how does our faith inform that learning?  Join Pastor Jack for his inspiring Sunday sermon this week, “Faith Changes Everything.” Discover how the power of faith sustains us all in …

How Strong Does My Faith Have to Be? – 6-30-24

How Strong Does My Faith Have to Be?This Sunday, our assigned Gospel reading involves the narrative of the woman who was very ill and literally made a leap of faith: to touch the garment of Jesus in the hope that the “reaching out” would cure her … and it worked! She was healed instantly! During …

Can I Really Trust God? – 6-23-24

Can I really Trust God?Have you ever realized how many people you trust each day?  Your surgeon?  Your dentist?  Your Uber driver?  Your mechanic?  And yet, sometimes it is challenging to trust in God … especially in times of crisis.  Why is that sometimes true?  This Sunday, Pastor Jack will …

Is My Faith Like a Seed? – 6-16-24

Is My Faith Like a Seed?Jesus often spoke in parables and used several illustrations while teaching and preaching.  One day Jesus spoke about the kingdom of God … and about faith … by using the image of a seed.  Which begs the question:  “Is faith like a seed?”  If so, then …

Are All Sins Forgiven? 06-09-24

Are All Sins Forgiven?The Bible reminds us that God is more willing to forgive than we are willing to confess.  But what about forgiveness?  Is there a sin which is unforgivable?  Is there a grievance God simply can not overlook?  Join Pastor Jack this Sunday as he unravels the mystery of …

How Do I Honor the Sabbath? 6-2-24

How Do I Honor the Sabbath?One of the Ten Commandments is “Honor the Sabbath Day and Keep it Holy”.  This commandment was delivered to God’s people approximately 3,500 year ago.  Does it have the same meaning for us?  Join Pastor Jack this Sunday as he unpacks this teaching in his sermon, …

What About That 3rd Person? – 5-26-24

What About That 3rd Person?We Christians are well versed in the workings of God the Father, and God the Son … but what about God the Holy Spirit?  We often do not acknowledge the power or the significance of this “third person” of the Trinity. This Sunday we observe a festival known as “The Holy Trinity” …