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What’s All the Excitement About – 5-19-24

What’s All the Excitement About Science Question:  What happens to atoms and molecules when they are exposed to increased energy? Increased heat?  How about when the Holy Spirit’s “fire” comes upon you? Are you changed … are you excited?   This Sunday we commemorate the Day of Pentecost, and we will recall the day …

Love is Choosing YOU – 5-12-24

Love is Choosing YOUHave you ever wondered whether God is choosing you to fulfill a certain role or  to serve in a greater purpose? According to the Scriptures, each one of us is called by God, through baptism, to serve God and to serve in God’s world for the greater good.  …

Love is Action Oriented – 5-5-24

Love is Action OrientedA long time ago, Jesus requested his followers to “bear fruit for the Gospel”. Today, bearing fruit takes many forms, especially expressed in volunteer service to the community … but how many people actually volunteer these days?  Join Pastor Jack as he reveals the answer and calls …

Love is God-Centered – 4-28-24

Love is God-CenteredJesus once said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”  However … what does that really look like in our contemporary society?  This Sunday Pastor Jack will explore two concepts from the NT Book of 1 John:  (a)  God IS love and (b) how can we share that …

Love is Self-Less – 4-21-24

Love is Self-LessThis Sunday, Pastor Jack starts a four-part sermon series, “Love Letters From God”- a deeper exploration into the New Testament Book of 1 John.  The first sermon deals with selfless love.  In other words, placing the needs of others ahead of your own needs.  Can you think of a few …

Opening Our Minds – 4-14-24

Opening Our MindsAccording to the Bible, one day Jesus sat down with his disciples and “opened their minds to understand the Scriptures”.  Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus did the same for us?  Well … the Holy Spirit promises to enlighten us when we read the Bible … so … …

A Healthy Doubt – 4-07-24

Is there room for doubt in a believer’s spirit?  Can doubt actually strengthen faith … in the long run?  This Sunday’s Gospel reading focuses on Thomas, otherwise known as “Doubting Thomas” and concludes with the now-famous words of Jesus, “Blessed are those who have NOT seen and yet have come to believe”.  …

Now you SEE Him – 3-31-24

Now you SEE HimFor almost 2,000 years critics and skeptics have attempted to discredit eyewitness testimonies regarding the validity of the resurrection of Christ.  Yet … according to the Scriptures, Jesus appeared as the RISEN Christ on several occasions and to several different witnesses (including his appearance to  five hundred witnesses at a single …

Destiny – 3-24-24

DestinyPalm Sunday is the inauguration of Holy Week(beginning 3/24).  In his Palm Sunday message, Pastor Jack will explore Biblical prophecies and how they all came true in the life of Jesus during the events and circumstances of that fateful seven days in Jerusalem.  Everything played out according to the predictions …

Fifth Sunday in Lent – 3-17-24

SAVE THE DATES: EASTER EGG HUNT– Date changed to Sunday, March 24 with hunts at 2 and 3 p.m. Please spread the word and invite your friends and family! THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS – need to be directed before March 31. In 2023, we received $1,298.00 from this program! Please contact …