
Shepherd of the Hills welcomes people of all backgrounds
to meet, learn, share and celebrate the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
A vibrant faith community of Northwest New Jersey in Sussex County.
A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Thanks for visiting our internet home. We pray that you are enriched and encouraged to join us in worship, fellowship, and service to God’s people in New Jersey or wherever you may be.

Worship of Word and Sacrament: Sundays at 9am

Sunday Worship is also live streamed on YouTube at 9am

Work day at SOTH grounds!

Please bring your garden tools and energy to help with outside maintenance of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church Saturday, Sept. 14 starting at 8:00 a.m.  Any amount of time you can contribute would be greatly appreciated.  We will work rain or shine! Let’s get our church grounds “spruced up” (LOL!) before our 60th Anniversary celebration.  If you have any questions, please contact Pat Wood at phwood@optonline.net or call 201-602-4219. 

Feasibility Study: Survey still open!

On May 5, our congregation voted YES to move
forward with a Feasibility Study with Kirby Smith (vendor) to determine if
we are ready to embark on a 3-year capital campaign to help reduce the
cost of our mortgage and free up dollars for mission and ministry.
Your input is essential to this process! If you haven’t already done so via paper or electronically, please complete a survey on the link below:


Traveling this summer? Take Flat Jesus with you on your adventures, take his photo, and send it to office@sothnj.org for our bulletin board.  Print here or pick up from the table in the narthex. Let’s see where FJ goes!

Congregational News

For this week’s latest news and worship bulletin, click the “News” link at the bottom of this page or browse under the “Welcome” tab above.

Another year of Sunday School is beginning on September 15! Our superintendent Nancy Wood and volunteer teachers do a wonderful job educating our youngest generation. Please share the news of our Christian Education with friends and neighbors.

Click here to register your child in Sunday School for the 2024-2025 school year. Rally day is September 15 – the same day as SOTH’s 60th anniversary celebration!

Our congregation generously donates our time, treasure, and talents. Explore the Outreach and Giving menu tabs above to find ways to help SOTH give to our community.

Worship Schedule

9 AM – Worship of Word and Sacrament

Christian Education September through June:
Confirmation for students 7th through 8th grade. This is a self-study program. Please see Pastor Jack for details.
Sunday School for age 4 to 6th grade – Sundays during service from 9:15 – 10 a.m. starting Sept. 10, 2023 and ending June 2024.

Communion Preparation in Spring

Adult Christian Education Year-Round:
Brown Bag Bible Study – Wednesdays at 12 PM via Zoom (see calendar for exact dates and time)
Adult Bible Study – First and Third Monday evenings at 6 p.m.

Come Visit!:
We are located at 246 Woodport Rd, Sparta, NJ 07871.

Come and see.  God is always making us new to serve as God’s hand and feet for this world.