Join Us with Generous Giving to Our Mission:
All that we have comes from God. We give with gratitude and love for the grace and abundance that we receive. Giving an offering also has biblical roots. There are many Bible verses that give us guidance as to why and how we give.
Our gifts are used in service to the mission of the congregation as well as the Church at large. As part of this community, we give the first fruits of our abundance – our time, and the skills and interests we have – to continue the proclamation of the Good News.
Toward the middle of worship, we pause to give our gifts as we prepare to give thanks to God. Here are a few ways for you to share your gift with the congregation:
Offering Envelope: Any Envelope can be used. Extra envelopes are available in the Narthex. Simply insert your giving in cash or check in the envelope including your name for record-keeping and place in the offering trays as they are passed in worship.
Mail: Send your offering to: SOTH 246 Woodport Rd., Sparta, NJ 07871
Simply Giving via Vanco: Members are able to link a savings or checking account with direct debit giving at a frequency of their choosing. You may set this up by scanning the QR code below with your cell phone, or with the assistance of the finance team.
Text ‘Giving’: to 973-832-0226, you can make a one-time gift or set-up recurring offerings by following the prompts.
Ask an usher or council member for more information.
Supplemental Opportunities for Giving
Legacy Gifts: This type of offering comes at the end of one’s earthly life. Remembering Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church with memorial gifts and estate bequests continues one’s stewardship to the next generation. This is done through your end-of-life planning.
IRA Required Minimum Distribution ‘RMD’: 100% of your RMD is eligible for distribution to the congregation as your offering without a tax penalty. Contact your financial planner to arrange this direct distribution to the congregation.
iGive: iGive donates a portion of your online purchases to good causes automatically and at no extra cost when you shop. When you add this extension to your internet shopping, a portion ofthe dollar amount purchased from the participating vendors can be designated to Shepherd of the Hills. iGive allows your online shopping to earn money through your purchases. We thank you for your generosity.
Got Books? The New Legacy Books book donation/recycling bin is now in our parking lot adjacent to the clothing bins. This is a “green” fundraising activity. New Legacy will accept books in good, readable condition that have an ISBN barcode label on the book cover. Hardcover, paperback and textbooks are all welcome. For further information, please check their website
Looking to Buy Used Books? Shop at and benefit SOTH! Welcome to where you will find thousands of gently-used book titles. Legacy Books is a New Jersey for-profit company with a fundraising mission for New Jersey non-profit organizations. A portion of every book you purchase will benefit a New Jersey non-profit.
Clothing Donation Bin: Place clothing and shoes in plastic bags. Proceeds will benefit SOTH. Please do not leave items outside of the box. Please tell your friends and family so that we can fill those bins!
Thrivent Grants: If you are a Thrivent member, you are eligible to apply for grants that provide up to $500 that can supplement activities that help us do ministry in our community. You can apply via their website:
Thrivent Choice Dollars: If you have investments with Thrivent, you might be eligible to designate these earned ‘Choice Dollars’ to SOTH. Visit to get started.
Car Donations: DID YOU KNOW – that you can donate your used car to benefit SOTH? Please visit this site to get started, Choose Shepherd of the Hill Lutheran Church as your Nonprofit organization. Call Us to Donate: 855-500-7433.
Many thanks to all donors who support our mission!