Lost and Found 9-11-22
COFFEE HOUR HOSTS – are needed. Please see the sign-up sheet on the narthex table. Thanks to the DiCola’s for leading this fellowship activity.
SUBSTITUTE SECRETARY NEEDED – Our volunteer secretary will be out of the office for approximately four weeks after October 24 due to a surgical procedure. We are in urgent need of someone to word process from home or in the church office for that period of time. Please see Wendy. Training happily provided!
LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE –Your gifts will support those affected by US flooding. Gifts to “US Flooding” will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected. Checks or money orders can be sent to:
Lutheran Disaster Response P.O. Box 1809 Merrifield, VA 22116-8009
Write “U.S. Flooding” on your check memo line.
Give by phone at 800-638-3522 (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CT) or online.
THRIVENT ACCOUNT HOLDERS – We are in need of Thrivent customers to write Action Team grants. All customers are entitled to submit two per year. Please contact Denise Leifken at dleifken@aol.com or call 973-715-6611 for assistance.
THANKSGIVING FOOD COLLECTION – at least 20 of each item is needed: flour, peanut butter, gravy/gravy mix, jelly, instant mashed potatoes, canned vegetables, macaroni and cheese, cake mix, tuna, frosting, canned sweet potatoes, pancake mix, cereal, syrup, cranberry sauce, stuffing mix, soup, canned fruit, baked beans, rice, toilet paper
SUNDAY SCHOOL RETURNS – on Sunday, Sept. 11 on Rally Day. Registration forms and welcome letters will be emailed. Registration forms are on the clipboard in the narthex. Please bring your backpack to have it blessed during the children’s sermon and come join the fun!
WE NEED YOUR HELP – with the Rally Day Picnic on Sept. 11 after church. Please sign up on the narthex bulletin board to help set up on Sat., Sept 10 at 5 p.m. or at 9 a.m. on Sunday. (See the bulletin insert for complete information about how you can help.)
PLEASE CALL AHEAD – before venturing a trip to the church office. Office hours are subject to change.
ALL ARE INVITED to attend the Oct. 4 event planning meeting at 7 p.m. to set the calendar for 2023. Come with your ideas and the understanding that all events are group efforts.
NEED YARN? -Marty Nielson has replenished the supply of Barbara’s stash for anyone’s use. Currently, the yarn is in the room between the office and the Pastor’s office. You are welcome to it. We will be collecting handmade blue hats for #Hat Not Hate again this year. Faith Kitchen does not accept any clothing.
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED – CONTROL ROOM HELP, OFFICE VOLUNTEERS, COFFEE HOUR HOSTS, FINANCIAL COUNTERS, PHOTOGRAPHER, DEACONS AND USHERS are all needed. Training joyfully provided. If someone calls to recruit you, please prayerfully consider how YOU can serve. You can always volunteer by contacting the office.
with these gifts, we continue to welcome folks to our community, to equip them with faith tools – learning the word, prayers for one another, and communal support – and then to send us into the world to welcome others.
Your donations to SOTH can be accomplished in the following ways:
- On Sunday, place your donation in the offering plate.
- Mail your offering to: SOTH 246 Woodport Rd., Sparta, NJ 07871
- Go online to setup your e-giving from your checking, savings, credit card or debit card http://secure.myvanco.com/L-
YXCY - Download Vanco Mobile (Faith) on your smartphone, search for Shepherd of the Hills (Sparta)
- Text Giving to 973-832-0226 You can make a one-time gift or setup recurring offerings.