All Saints: Past, Present, & Future

Every November 1 & 2 (and transferred to the closest Sunday ), we remember those who have led faithful lives – and even some whose example has set them apart. This day is a celebration, even as the pain of grief and emptiness is great, because we believe that they are in the company of God, singing and worshiping with all the angelic choir.

We also celebrate those among us, who, like us, are working to bring the kingdom of heaven here on earth. As we read in Matthew, these include those who are poor in spirit, those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, those who work to bring peace. They are everyday folks living faithful lives, ones who don’t look for praise or prize.

And I believe that it’s also appropriate for us to celebrate those who will come after us – those who are learning from us what faith means, what serving at the edges means, and what humility and mercy means.

We will pause to remember those who have died at all our worship services. And we will give thanks for their witness to us.

I pray that you’ll join me as we continue to welcome folks, equip them with the tools for real faith, and then as we are sent out into the world to be God’s hands in God’s world.

In Peace,
Pastor Tina